Voter Outreach Training
Wednesday, January 17, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Virtual
Join us for our Voter Outreach Training training session to learn the how, what, where, when, and why of effective voter engagement. This inclusive training is open to everyone, providing valuable resources for voter education customized for your organization.
In addition, you will learn about Thrive's Election Education Toolkit. This toolkit aims to amplify and strengthen voter outreach and education in traditionally less engaged communities by addressing the lack of knowledge about the process. Give this toolkit to leaders in your community to use for informal voter education. The toolkits will be available in English and Spanish. Toolkits come with a $1,500 stipend to support outreach and encourage participation.
Email Yajaira Ortega, Thrive's Policy and Equity Manager, if you are interested in more information about receiving the stipend.