Annually: pay now by credit card

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Monthly: pay now by credit card

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Thrive is the connective tissue which interconnects and binds county operations, nonprofits, elected officials, and community leaders contributing to the unique strength that is San Mateo county. Its ongoing commitment to engage and empower communities ensures our future leaders come from the diverse segments of the region to bring their knowledge and lived experience to policy making at all levels. Whether it's civic engagement, sustainability or COVID-19 response and recovery, I'm grateful for all the opportunities Thrive helps create for me and my neighbors to get involved and contribute to the betterment of the community.

David M. Pollack
I have been a member of Thrive since 2001. I originally joined the organization to network with nonprofits on behalf of my students for potential internships. What I received was so very much more. I had access to a wealth of resources via the listserv and networking which assisted me in building a strong service-learning, volunteerism and leadership program at the college. As a local resident, it is validating to know that in San Mateo County we have an organization that is truly the voice of nonprofit for the betterment of our community. Thrive is an invaluable organization in continuing to keep San Mateo County on the forefront of creating a collaborative community for all.
Beverley Madden