Climate and Disaster Migration: Global Movements, Local Impacts, and the Increasing Need for Climate Resilience

Wednesday, September 25, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Virtual

Join us for our September COAD meeting to learn about climate and disaster migration, and its relationship to San Mateo County communities. We are excited to welcome Fr. Luis Eduardo Zavala de Alba and Miriam Yupanqui, who will share their experiences supporting those who have migrated due to the impacts of sea level rise, drought, wildfire, and other natural hazards on their livelihoods. 

Fr. Luis Eduardo Zavala de Alba is the founder and director of Casa Monarca, a migrant shelter based in Monterrey, Mexico that welcomes, protects, and integrates migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people. Fr. Luis is also a professor of human rights at Yale University, and has worked frequently with the United Nations in promoting international human rights. 

Miriam Yupanqui is the Executive Director of Nuestra Casa, a local nonprofit with the goal of uplifting Latino families through community education, leadership development, and advocacy. Miriam is building a movement to transform East Palo Alto into a place where every resident thrives. 

We will hear from Fr. Luis on his experiences with migrants at his shelter in Mexico as well as climate migration from a sociological perspective. Miriam joins us to discuss the burdens faced by migrants in San Mateo County, and how we can continue to support migrant communities as climate exacerbates the adverse conditions that push people to leave their homes. 


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