Hands-On Redistricting Workshop: Mapping Tools, Communities of Interest, and Public Input

Thursday, September 2, 10:00 - 11:00 am

Help shape the maps! As redistricting gets underway in San Mateo County and local cities, please join us for an online workshop to learn more about how to share your communities' concerns and map priorities.
We will address:
  • What a "community of interest" is and why communities of interest are so important in shaping district maps.
  • How to use online tools that can help you understand your community and its characteristics, and tools where you can draw maps to use in your redistricting advocacy.
  • How to develop community of interest testimony so that line-drawers draw maps that respect your community's voice.
  • What are our local issues in San Mateo County and who is organizing.


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meet the speaker

Julia Marks

Julia Marks is a Staff Attorney and Program Manager with the Voting Rights and Census program. Before joining Advancing Justice – ALC, she clerked for the Hon. Keith P. Ellison of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Julia previously litigated civil rights class actions and other high-impact cases at Disability Rights Advocates to expand access to public- and private-sector services. She received her J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, where she participated in the California Asylum Representation Clinic, the East Bay Community Law Center’s Neighborhood Justice Clinic, and the Berkeley Journal of International Law.



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